Queens Park Care Home

Saves water and cuts energy costs

Queens Park Care Home partnered with Water Plus to significantly reduce water usage and energy consumption – cutting water use by 79%, with a saving equal to 12,775 bath-tubs, filled with 80 litres of water each, in a year.

The project was managed by the Advanced Services Team at Water Plus, who provide Value Added Services (VAS).

"Water Plus’s professionalism and expertise has helped us to run our business – and save water, so it’s all been exceptional work by Water Plus.

We track our water use at our site during the year and providing our meter readings was really quick and easy through MyAccount.”

Jim Steeples, Manager of Queens Park Care Home

The Challenge

Queens Park Care Home, like many facilities, was looking for ways to reduce its water consumption and operational costs. Water usage is a significant expense for care homes, and inefficient use can also lead to increased energy consumption for water heating.

The Solution

Water Plus conducted a water audit of Queens Park Care Home and identified opportunities for improvement. They then installed water-saving kit that included:

  • 38 water-saving tap fittings: These fittings reduce hot water use, particularly on the kitchen mixer tap.

  • 17 flush-saving devices for toilets: These devices save over 1 liter per flush.

  • 3 water-efficient showerheads: These showerheads use less water while maintaining a comfortable showering experience.

By implementing these simple measures, Water Plus aimed to improve water efficiency and reduce energy consumption associated with water heating.

The Results

The results were impressive. Queens Park Care Home achieved a remarkable:

Water Consumption

Reduced by 79.3%, based on average daily water use.

Water Savings

Equal to 12,775 bathtubs, filled with 80 litres of water each -  in a year.*

Energy Consumption

Reduced, as less water needs to be heated at the site.

The above shows the potential for substantial water and energy savings through simple and low-cost measures. We encourage businesses to explore water-saving opportunities to reduce costs and environmental impact.

* Bath tub saving based on 67% reduction in water use during 2023, compared to 2022 - meter readings showed.

Partner with Water Plus

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